22 Guerrilla Marketing Ideas for Trade Shows
By Mandy Movahhed | August 7, 2014
This is one of the most well written articles about trade show marketing ideas. One of the things that makes these 22 Guerrilla Marketing Ideas for Trade Shows different is that it isn’t written by a company that sells trade show displays. For that reason, the advice isn’t about why you need a new custom trade show booth, it’s just good marketing ideas. All too often we read those other blog posts from companies that sell exhibit booths and their tips involve getting banner stands, getting a new booth, getting hanging signs. Sometimes advice from companies that sell trade show booths is very self serving.
In this excellent trade show marketing tips article the advice is helpful, easy to implement and often free or very inexpensive. With no products to push, you can sit back, relax and enjoy the article without waiting to see what they are trying to sell you.
Get the full story here: Handshake
When you exhibit at a trade show, you put out a lot of time, effort and money, so it’s important to maximize that investment. Regardless of whether you have a generous trade show budget or a lean one, guerrilla marketing is a terrific way to extend your reach, be top of mind and create attention that lasts long after the show. It doesn’t have to be expensive, but it does have to be clever, creative and memorable.
Getting Started – Research & Planning
To start your exploration, search magazines like Entrepreneur, Inc., Forbes and Exhibit Magazine. They’ll have strategies or guidelines to go by, and sometimes lists of wacky tactics or good examples of ideas that worked for other brands. Engage your team in an afternoon of off-the-wall brainstorming. Brainstorm a theme that is visually memorable and can extend easily through emails, tweets, press releases
22 Guerrilla Marketing Ideas for Trade Shows
- Use humor. Do something that surprises people and breaks expectations. Pique people’s curiosities by giving them hints, but not the answer to what is coming.
- Take a postcard page like one of these from Despair.com and put a funny twist on the old ‘stop by and see us’ message.
- Hand out half of something small or a key. What does the key open? What does the other half offer?
- Do a mock newspaper page with fun stories relevant to the show, including one highlighting you.
- Put your social media channels to work building your story and engaging your audience.
Be sure to check out our Trade Show Booth Design Tips